It's confirmed: I'm 5 weeks/1day pregnant!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I just went to my first OB clinic visit yesterday for a urine pregnancy test. I called in Thursday and requested for a blood test to have them check my hcg beta, like I just had two months ago, but the unfriendly receptionist said this is what I just need, a urine test, for now. For me, I think it's useless since I've been peeing-on-a-stick (using home pregnancy tests) and it all came positive. And they're going to use the same thing, aren't they? She said their doctors don't trust home pregnancy tests, and so I said ok, (I won't argue then). I was just worried that my BFP would turn to BFN again, and I wanted to make sure I have everything covered. Getting pregnant is not easy as I thought.

Dave weren't able to go this visit, he should be at work at 11, so mom-in-law and I went ahead. She was very excited to find out. And as for me, I was calm and collected as I can be, for I knew it's going to be positive anyway. But when we got to the clinic, doubts sets in. Again, worried that what if after all the positive HPTs, it's another flanking negative again? So I gave the lab lady my pee-in-a-cup, and after a few mins of waiting, she showed me the result.


I was ecstatic. And I think I blushed. I was so happy it's confirmed. Finally it's official. She took out this number wheel thingy, and cross checked my LMP to a number, and told me, my estimated due date(EDD) is Sept. 24th! I'm 5days/1day pregnant! yay!


  1. You can now get ready of the days ahead sis :) Eating healthy is the hardest of them all.

  2. Yay, very good news. Congratulations Evan! Have a safe, blessed and happy pregnancy :)


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