Unstoppable Tuesday

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Photo credit: Fandango
Despite the torturing cold weather (about 20s), Dave and I have decided we'd go back to our usual Tuesday movie routine. It has been a while since we watched one. How long? let's see.. when was the "Despicable Me" was shown? yup, pretty much--a long time ago! After a busy Thanksgiving week, I thought we'd give ourselves some 'relax' time. He initially thought of just sleeping the Tuesday off. But we both knew unbooked Tuesdays always ends up at the movie theater! I always wanted to watch Due Date, yep, I'm a sucker for comedy. He wanted The Next Three Days, something non-comedy for a change. Unfortunately, the matinĂ©e schedule for that movie was already full. So we end up watching Unstoppable, that's the next best thing on the list.

I love anything Denzel but I thought this one would be boring and the story would be wasted with chasing train for 1hr 38min. I was so wrong! This movie was a combination of everything, thrill, action, drama and a hint of comedy. I love that no character was overshadowed with another, everyone's at play. It was really good that I stayed at the edge of my seat, grabbing/pulling Dave's arm..lol  Denzel never fails me. I highly recommend this to anyone, my dad would love not to pass on this one!


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